Affirmations are uplifting words that can help you overcome negative thoughts. Repeating them, even when you don’t believe it at first, can help you to start thinking more positive about yourself.

Download this FREE Positive Affirmation Printable and start changing your outlook on life
You have most definitely heard people rave about the power, or the ineffectiveness of daily affirmations. There seems to be a lot of mixed opinions if they really work or not. I guess telling yourself everyday how wonderful you are can seem a little weird. But it cant hurt to try! Besides, here is a FREE printable so it can’t hurt to give it a try, right? 🙂
The good news is incorporating positive affirmations into your daily
routine can be very simple. All you need to do is pick a phrase or
handful of phrases and repeat them to yourself.
Using positive affirmations can help you with self-motivation, self-esteem and reducing stress. If you are in the habit of having a negative internal dialogue you may especially benefit from affirmations.
Break the cycle of negative patterns. Celebrate today!