As we all, especially expecting moms, follow the social distancing guidelines in place across the U.S. drive-by baby showers are becoming so popular!

Of course expectant parents are bummed they can’t have the traditional, in-person shower with family and friends. But a drive-by “parade” can be the next best thing in these strange times. Coordinate with friends and family to still come out on the day of the original shower and drop off a gift and send their well wishes.
How can you make it even a little more personal?
How about cute and encouraging love notes!!
Shop love notes here

A baby shower is all about showering the new mom/dad with love, right? If you don’t have the opportunity to have your in-person shower you can still send them some love. Print out these cute love note cards and have your parade of drive-by attendees each participate. Collect them all and give the new parents a stack of love from their “village”.
Let them know you are all still here to offer your love and support.